These are shots of a cutlass bearing housing from a 1978 tayana 37. To remove: 1. First you remove the prop. 2. Remove the cotter pins so you can turn the bolts. LEAVE THE NUTS ON. 2. Back out the mounting studs using the inner most nut to unscrew them. The studs are there mainly for shear strength. The house is screwed on the stern tube (shaftlog?). 3. Take a big pipe wrench and unscrew the housing (counterclockwise) from the keel. 4. Cover the hole in the boat so no dirt gets in the threads. 5. Don't use sealant on the inner threads when reinstalling. Check Tayana_List_Archives in this FTP area for a much more detailed document. or TOGNEWS for articles. In these pictures, the new cutlass bearing is sticking out the back. It will be cut later with a hack saw. It will be left as long as possible yet short enough to allow for a collar zinc between it and the prop. This housing was not standard US. It was rebored so a standard 2" bearing would fit. Cost $80 including new cutlass bearing. (local machine shop) A new 1 1/4" prop shaft was also fitted at the same time as the old one had a non standard taper, making prop replacement difficult. The old prop was re bored to a standard taper and reconditioned. The pitch was not the same on every blade! (Two 9's and one 8.) Then the shaft and coupler were trued so as to allow for proper engine alignment. View individual jpg's or download the zip file to your computer. To download anythin, right click on it and hit copy, then right click on where you want it to go and hit paste.