Welcome to the TOGnews E-mail Discussion Group for Tayana and Vancouver sailboat owners, friends interested in knowing more about our great sailboats, owners of boats designed by Bob Perry (Valiant, Baba-Panda-Tashiba, etc.), and owners of other ocean worthy boats.


TOGnews E-mail Discussion Group is owned and managed by a group of Tayana owners on a volunteer basis and not sponsored by commercial interests.  Our group exists for the benefit of its members. There will never be a charge for membership in our group. Per the Google Group TOS (see link at the bottom of this page), the managers reserve the right to make final decisions regarding group membership, postings, and files. In addition, no postings or files regarding lawsuits are allowed. And disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.


You may access the e-mail list two ways. Each requires approval from our group moderators listed at the bottom of this page. Please give us the reason why you want to join our group, so that we can verify your legitimate interest and help eliminate spam.

 (1) Create a Google profile and join. You will have access to the group's web-based functions: discussions, pages, files, and members.

 (2) Subscribe by sending an e-mail to: <> without creating a Google profile. You will be able to send and receive group e-mails, but not access the group's web-based functions.


To Submit a Post and Start a New Thread

To submit a new post via email: send an email to . The subject line of the email will be the title of the post and the body of the email will be the content of the post.  If you are here on Google Groups, go to Discussions and look for the '+ new post button' under Discussions on the right side of the page.



FTP: Project files, photos, newsletters, manuals, parts catalog, and more on our site. (IMPROVED 6/4/10)

Boats & Gear for Sale: Buy or sell Tayana-related items.

Tayana owner sites: Please enter your information here, if you'd like to share your site.

Bluewater sailboat user groups: You may also want to join other groups listed here.

Other bluewater yacht owner sites: Please enter your information here, if you'd like to share your site and you don't own a Tayana.


TOGnews E-mail Discussion Group is managed for the Tayana community by Tayana owners:

* Harvey J. Karten ? Tayana 37 "Night Heron", San Diego, CA

* Wayne Strausbaugh ? Tayana V-42cc "Restless", New Bern, NC

* John Kalpus ? Tayana 37 "Prudence", San Diego, CA

* Nicholas Sciarro ? Tayana V-42cc "Eclipse" 

* Bruce Pappas ? Tayana Admirer (Ta Shing Panda 40 PH "Whisper", Duluth, MN)


NOTICE: This site is not connected to Ta Yang Yacht Building Co. They are the builders of our fine sailboats; we are a group of proud owners.